Friday, 19 September 2014

1 Week To Go!

1 week to go until my surgery!
Nerves haven't really kicked in yet.
I weight 143kg now. That's a loss of 8.3kg.
I've cheated a little bit over the last couple of days... but by cheating I mean, I've eaten Avocado... which is not on my allowed foods list, but avocado is fine and not going to effect my weight loss.
I spoke to the nurse at The Mount Hospital today.
She explained to me whats going to happen and what to expect, it's not going to be nice, but it will all be worth it... plus I'm allowed to take my laptop to the hospital with me! YAY!

I have ordered my 140kg weight loss goal! $60 worth of scrapbooking stuff.
I'm going to scrapbook my journey. I don't know whether to start a new album, maybe try a smaller size, or just stick with my current album (which has sadly been forgotten)

We have a rent inspection on Monday, so this weekend I will be busy cleaning. There isn't much to do. I need to tidy my room and vacuum.

I'm 3 days into #100HappyDays.

<3 Molly

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